Thursday, November 30, 2017

Literary Treks 211: Team Garak!

Deep Space Nine #27: A Stitch in Time
by Andrew J. Robinson

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One of the things that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is lauded for is the huge variety of compelling secondary characters that the show introduced. Many Niners would agree that the best of these was the enigmatic Cardassian tailor, Garak, brought to life by the supremely talented actor, Andrew J. Robinson. Encouraged to publish the life story of Garak in his own words, Robinson entered the world of Star Trek novels in 2000, adding a wonderful and highly-regarded story to the Trek literature universe.

In this episode of Literary Treks, hosts Dan Gunther and Bruce Gibson are joined by Earl Grey's Justin Oser to discuss a favorite novel of many Trek fans, A Stitch in Time. We talk about Garak's history, growing up on Cardassia Prime, the reason for his exile on Deep Space Nine, post-war Cardassia, The Oralian Way, the reliability of Garak's account of his life, and wrap up with our final thoughts and ratings.

In the news segment, we feature an exclusive interview with Zachary Auburn, author of the truly unique book, A Field Guide to the Aliens of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Literary Treks 211: Team Garak!
Deep Space Nine: A Stitch in Time by Andrew J. Robinson


Previous episode: Literary Treks 210: Orange is the New Black
Next episode: Literary Treks 212: Slips, Strips, Bars, and Bricks

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