Monday, February 23, 2015

Sequel to FROM HISTORY'S SHADOW is on the way!

Good news from Trek author Dayton Ward this evening! On his Facebook page, he announced that the outline for his follow-up to 2013's From History's Shadow has been approved today, meaning we will definitely see his sequel soon.

From his post:
"You know what that means, right? More UFOs! More aliens! More time travel shenanigans!"

While the 2015 Trek book lineup is full, it is likely that we will be seeing it sometime in 2016, just in time for Star Trek's 50th anniversary! Stay tuned!

Star Trek fiction by Dayton Ward:

Star Trek: S.C.E. #4: Interphase, Part One with Kevin Dilmore (2001)
Star Trek: S.C.E. #5: Interphase, Part Two with Kevin Dilmore (2001)
Star Trek #97: In the Name of Honor (2002)
Star Trek: Vanguard: Open Secrets (2009)
"Almost Tomorrow" from Star Trek: Vanguard: Declassified (2011)
Star Trek: Vanguard: What Judgments Come with Kevin Dilmore (2011)
Star Trek: That Which Divides (2012)
Star Trek: Vanguard: In Tempest's Wake (2012)
Star Trek: The Original Series: From History's Shadow (2013)
Star Trek: The Fall: Peaceable Kingdoms (2014)
Star Trek: Seekers #2: Point of Divergence with Kevin Dilmore (2014)

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