2019: Almost a Return to Form!
As the decade draws to a close, we once again look back on the year that was in Star Trek novels!
2019 was the ninth year that I have done Trek Lit Reviews, and thankfully, the novels keep on coming. 2018 was a scary year that saw a tiny number of releases, but 2019 almost brought us back up to pre-contract renegotiation levels.
There were seven new Trek novels released by Simon & Schuster this year, plus one re-release of a classic novel, all in the trade paperback format favored by the publishing industry in recent years. This is a huge improvement over 2018's paltry three novels from S&S.

April saw the release of Star Trek: The Next Generation: Available Light by Dayton Ward, continuing the mission of the Enterprise-E and her exploration of the distant Odyssean Pass.
Then in May, we got a new TOS novel: The Captain's Oath by Christopher L. Bennett. This book explored James T. Kirk's first command, the U.S.S. Sacagawea, prior to his taking command of the Enterprise.

In August, we returned to The Original Series for The Antares Maelstrom by Greg Cox, exploring a 23rd century "gold rush" and a close encounter with a dangerous region of space.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first foray of Trek into the cinemas, Simon & Schuster re-released the novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture by Gene Roddenberry in October.

And finally, December saw the release of Dave Galanter's Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless, exploring the relationship between Paul Stamets and the mysterious mycelial network, traveled through by the U.S.S. Discovery and her revolutionary spore drive.
As for Star Trek as a whole, 2019 continued to build upon the gains that were made by the franchise in 2018. Season 2 of Discovery was widely praised, and made Captain Christopher Pike a household name thanks to the tremendous performance from Anson Mount. Anticipation for Star Trek: Picard continued to grow as well, and we are on the cusp of its premiere in January of 2020.
Star Trek: Short Treks also continued, with six episodes this season instead of last year's four. The first three featured Captain Pike and various adventures in the 23rd century (including a dubious origin for the tribbles), while the most recent two to have aired marked Star Trek's return to animation for the first time since the 1970s with "The Girl Who Made the Stars" and "Ephraim and Dot." One more episode is to air in early January, "The Children of Mars," which is billed as a sort of prequel to Star Trek: Picard. 2020 will not only see that new take on Sir Patrick Stewart's iconic character, but also a return of Star Trek: Discovery for its third season, and Lower Decks, an animated comedy series from Rick and Morty writer Mike McMahan.
For me personally, 2019 started strong with an increased production both on this website and on my YouTube channel, Kertrats Productions. I made great efforts in getting caught up and keeping up to date on my book reviews, and generally did a good job until, unfortunately, the end of the year.
Early November saw me laid off from my job and, having to search for work, I found my ambition to keep everything updated flagged quite a bit. I once again dropped behind in my book reviews, and the content on this website definitely suffered. Thankfully, however, I was able to find a new teaching position for the new year, and will once again be gainfully employed as of January 6th!
As for next year, I once again have the goal of getting caught up on book reviews on Trek Lit Reviews. As for Kertrats Productions, I have a few ideas for what I want to do with that channel which I will get into more in the new year. Plus, I also have another special project in the works with my Literary Treks co-conspirator, Bruce Gibson. This is the first I have mentioned of this anywhere, so there's not a lot to tell yet, but more to come as the plans get worked out... Stay tuned!
As always, what follows is a list of the Trek novels I reviewed this past year on Trek Lit Reviews sorted by month. New releases are marked in bold and with an asterisk, and the links lead to my reviews. Enjoy!

Ship of the Line by Diane Carey (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
A Good Day to Die by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Star Trek: I.K.S. Gorkon, Book One)

Requiem by Michael Jan Friedman and Kevin Ryan (Star Trek: The Next Generation #32)
Inferno by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Millennium, Book III of III)
The Valiant by Michael Jan Friedman (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Honor Bound by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Star Trek: I.K.S. Gorkon, Book Two)
The Pandora Principle by Carolyn Clowes (Star Trek #49)
A Time for War, A Time for Peace by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Time To, Book 9)
Mutiny on the Enterprise by Robert E. Vardeman (Star Trek #12)
The Sundered by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels (Star Trek: The Lost Era)
Enemy Territory by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Star Trek: I.K.S. Gorkon, Book Three)
* In the Heart of Chaos by Bernd Perplies & Christian Humberg (Star Trek: Prometheus)
Wagon Train to the Stars by Diane Carey (Star Trek #89: New Earth, Book One of Six)
Belle Terre by Dean Wesley Smith with Diane Carey (Star Trek #90: New Earth, Book Two of Six)

* In the Heart of Chaos by Bernd Perplies & Christian Humberg (Star Trek: Prometheus)
Wagon Train to the Stars by Diane Carey (Star Trek #89: New Earth, Book One of Six)
Belle Terre by Dean Wesley Smith with Diane Carey (Star Trek #90: New Earth, Book Two of Six)

Triangle: Imzadi II by Peter David (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Death in Winter by Michael Jan Friedman (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Vulcan's Glory by D.C. Fontana (Star Trek #44)
Old Wounds by Christie Golden (Star Trek: Voyager: Spirit Walk, Book One of Two)

Enemy of My Enemy by Christie Golden (Star Trek: Voyager: Spirit Walk, Book Two of Two)
* The Way to the Stars by Una McCormack (Star Trek: Discovery)
Taking Wing by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels (Star Trek: Titan)
Articles of the Federation by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
The Flaming Arrow by Kathy Oltion & Jerry Oltion (Star Trek #92: New Earth, Book Four of Six)
Burning Dreams by Margaret Wander Bonanno (Star Trek)

Thin Air by Kristine Kathryn Rusch & Dean Wesley Smith (Star Trek #93: New Earth, Book Five of Six)
* Available Light by Dayton Ward (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Resistance by J.M. Dillard (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
* The Captain's Oath by Christopher L. Bennett (Star Trek: The Original Series)
Orion's Hounds by Christopher L. Bennett (Star Trek: Titan)
Challenger by Diane Carey (Star Trek #94: New Earth, Book Six of Six)
Q & A by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
The IDIC Epidemic by Jean Lorrah (Star Trek #38)
Dyson Sphere by Charles Pellegrino and George Zebrowski (Star Trek: The Next Generation #50)
Sword of Damocles by Geoffrey Thorne (Star Trek: Titan)
* The Enterprise War by John Jackson Miller (Star Trek: Discovery)

The IDIC Epidemic by Jean Lorrah (Star Trek #38)
Dyson Sphere by Charles Pellegrino and George Zebrowski (Star Trek: The Next Generation #50)
Sword of Damocles by Geoffrey Thorne (Star Trek: Titan)
* The Enterprise War by John Jackson Miller (Star Trek: Discovery)

Before Dishonor by Peter David (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

* The Antares Maelstrom by Greg Cox (Star Trek: The Original Series)
2019 was also, as always, a great year for the Literary Treks podcast, thanks to all of the wonderful listeners! I host this podcast with Bruce Gibson over on the Trek.fm network. We covered a great number of Star Trek novels and comics, plus we had some great discussions with Trek authors and creators! Here's a list of the episodes we did in 2019:
Literary Treks Podcast Episodes
- Literary Treks 254: A Likely Victim
- Interview with author Michael Jan Friedman
- Literary Treks 255: The Hammock Planet: They Don't Have Butts
- Star Trek: I.K.S. Gorkon, Book Three: Enemy Territory
- Literary Treks 256: I Would Need More Than a Paragraph
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Imzadi
- Literary Treks 257: Lots of Bits of Me
- Star Trek: Discovery: The Way to the Stars - Exclusive interview with author Una McCormack
- Literary Treks 258: Inaccurate Operas Will Be Performed of This Day!
- Star Trek: Klingon Empire: A Burning House
- Literary Treks 259: He's Gotta Grow Some and Just Do It
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Triangle: Imzadi II
- Literary Treks 260: Sorry to All the Sela Fans
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Death in Winter
- Literary Treks 261: A Gem of a Novel
- Star Trek #44: Vulcan's Glory
- Literary Treks 262: We Almost Had a Spit Take
- Star Trek: Voyager: Spirit Walk, Book One: Old Wounds
- Literary Treks 263: Traveling at the Speed of Plot
- Star Trek: Voyager: Spirit Walk, Book Two: Enemy of My Enemy
- Literary Treks 264: No Member Berries
- Star Trek: Titan: Taking Wing
- Literary Treks 265: The Music of Big Pink
- Star Trek: Articles of the Federation - Exclusive interview with author Keith R.A. DeCandido
- Literary Treks 266: Bringing the Truth Out of the Shadows
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Available Light - Exclusive interview with author Dayton Ward
- Literary Treks 267: That Word "Sacrifice" Keeps Coming Up
- Star Trek: Burning Dreams
- Literary Treks 268: Andy Does the Consonants, I Do the Vowels
- Star Trek: Titan: The Red King - Exclusive interview with author Michael A. Martin
- Literary Treks 269: Spock 'n' Krisp
- Star Trek: The Gold Key Archives, Volume 5 - Part One
- Literary Treks 270: Kirk is Dabbing Like a Warp 4 Loony!
- Star Trek: The Gold Key Archives, Volume 5 - Part Two
- Literary Treks 271: To Thine Own Self Be True
- Star Trek: The Original Series: The Captain's Oath - Featuring a written interview with author Christopher L. Bennett
- Literary Treks 272: A Fun Borg Romp?
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Resistance
- Literary Treks 273: Unintended Consequences
- Star Trek: Titan: Orion's Hounds
- Literary Treks 274: An Old Man in the Park Feeding Pigeons
- Star Trek: The Children of Kings
- Literary Treks 275: Q is a YouTube Comment Troll
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Q & A
- Literary Treks 276: There's a Line We Can't Cross
- Writing Star Trek Novels with David R. George III & Dayton Ward
- Literary Treks 277: You're Meant to Be Confused
- Star Trek: Titan: Sword of Damocles
- Literary Treks 278: His Losses Continue to "Mount"
- Star Trek: Discovery: The Enterprise War - Exclusive interview with author John Jackson Miller
- Literary Treks 279: The Young, Rash, Impetuous Russian
- Star Trek: The Original Series: The Antares Maelstrom - Exclusive interview with Greg Cox
- Literary Treks 280: The Rigellians Are Psycho
- Star Trek: Early Voyages #1-4
- Literary Treks 281: The Next Evolutionary Step of the Borg
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Before Dishonor
- Literary Treks 282: And Then Wonder Woman Shows Up!
- Star Trek: The Official Guide to the Animated Series - Exclusive interview with Aaron Harvey
- Literary Treks 283: Everyone's Tilting at Windmills
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Vendetta
- Literary Treks 284: Smoothing Over the Rough Edges of Canon
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Greater Than the Sum
- Literary Treks 285: Those Bloody Mind Control Revolts!
- Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 40th Anniversary Edition
- Literary Treks 286: The Wrong Thing for the Right Reason
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Collateral Damage - Exclusive interview with David Mack
- Literary Treks 287: Fear Usually Leads to Chaos
- Star Trek: Destiny, Book I: Gods of Night
- Literary Treks 288: The Golden Girls in Space
- Star Trek: Destiny, Book II: Mere Mortals
- Literary Treks 289: It is Better to Heal Than to Harm
- Star Trek: Destiny, Book III: Lost Souls - Exclusive interview with David Mack
- Literary Treks 290: Give Me All the Spock
- Star Trek: Discovery: Aftermath comic trilogy
- Literary Treks 291: Get People Laughing While They're Squatting
- Body By Starfleet: A Fitness Guide - Exclusive interview with author Robb Pearlman
- Literary Treks 292: More of a Culmets Book
- Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless - Exclusive interview with author Dave Galanter
Best Trek novel of 2019:
Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless by Dave Galanter!
This novel is one that is really easy to spoil if you haven't read it, so I won't go deep into the particulars of the plot or setting here, but suffice it to say that I completely floored by this novel and where it ended up was completely unexpected. An incredible story with moving character moments that gave me chills. Dave Galanter is one of my favorite Trek authors, and he definitely doesn't disappoint here! Thank you so much for this wonderful story, a moving masterpiece that even Wilson Cruz, Hugh Culber himself, has taken to Twitter to praise. Wonderful stuff!
As per usual, let's wrap up by taking a look ahead at what we can expect from Trek Lit in 2020.
This past summer, at the Las Vegas Star Trek Convention, we got a few announcements for new books coming in 2020. Plus, there have been a few other announcements since then. Let's break them down.

March sees the release of a TOS novel: The Higher Frontier by Christopher L. Bennett. In this novel, Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise face an extradimensional threat. This book is said to take place during the TMP time period, a setting with which Bennett has a great deal of experience.
In April, the first of the "Kelvin Timeline" novels is released. Originally written back in 2009/2010, four Kelvin Timeline novels were held from being published, with none of them seeing the light of day until now! The Unsettling Stars by Alan Dean Foster is the first of these.

about this title yet, but we'll bring you news of it as soon as it is available!
In August, the second Kelvin Timeline novel is released: More Beautiful Than Death by David Mack. I'm very excited to read this one, as the author has mentioned how proud he is of it on a number of occasions.
Also coming sometime in 2020 is Kirsten Beyer's Star Trek: Voyager: To Lose the Earth, a much-delayed followup to her recent Voyager novels. We are also reportedly getting a new Star Trek: Discovery novel from John Jackson Miller, although the title and details have not yet been revealed.
2019 certainly marked a return to a more "normal" schedule of Star Trek novel releases, and we can only hope that 2020 continues the trend. With the Star Trek universe opening up to possibilities never before explored, one can only imagine that the horizon for new Trek fiction is just as limitless. As a well-known Vulcan scientist once said, "There always are... possibilities."
Wishing you and yours the happiest of new years, with all of the success and happiness you can possibly imagine in 2020! Stay safe out there, my friends, and always remember to live long... and read on!