Friday, April 2, 2021

Positively Trek Book Club: One Constant Star

 Star Trek: The Lost Era
One Constant Star
By David R. George III

Mass-market paperback: | |
E-book (Kindle): | |

The voyages of the Enterprise-B continue as Captain Demora Sulu and her crew confront a mysterious device on the surface of an unknown world that leaves one crewman missing and the first officer critically injured. When the captain herself disappears, the crew must rely on Admiral John Harriman, who may ultimately have the solution.

In this episode of the Positively Trek Book Club, hosts Bruce and Dan discuss The Lost Era: One Constant Star by David R. George III. We talk about the mysterious Rejarris II portal, first officer Xintal Linojj, an unexpected family reunion, Admiral Harriman and his wife Amina Sasine, an improvised rescue mission, the Odyssey solution, and wrap up with our final thoughts and ratings.

Previous episode: The Lost Era: Serpents Among the Ruins

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